Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Antioxidants: Fighting Free Radicals for Your Overall Health

Some of the most powerful preventative medicines in nature are found in the produce section of your local grocery store. Antioxidants and xanthones abound in fruits like mangosteen, blueberries, pineapples, goji berries, sea buckthorn, sour cherries, cranberries, lychee, and star fruits. You’ve likely heard lots about their health benefits, but what are antioxidants and xanathones, exactly? According to the National Cancer Institute, “Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer,”. Essentially, antioxidants interact with and neutralize some free radicals before they cause damage at the cellular level. This is also thought to provide anti-aging benefits by promoting healthy skin cells. Xanathones are highly specific phytochemicals found in just a few specific tropical fruits. The mangosteen, more specifically the rind of the mangosteen fruit, contains over 30 different kinds of xanathones. Some merchants refer to them as “super-antioxidants.” They are thought to be very potent antioxidants, perhaps the most potent available in nature according to certain researchers. They are heat stable molecules that will not lose their structure when heated, which is beneficial in the metabolic process. Xanathone manufacturers claim that the chemical compound can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and other circulatory problems, as well as promote an overall sense of health. As of yet, no clinical trials have been completed to back up these claims because the FDA considers xanathones a nutritional supplement and not a medicine. Whether or not antioxidants and xanathones will keep you from getting a specific disease, modern science simply cannot say. But research does indicate that antioxidants do neutralize certain types of free radicals. Such free radicals are thought to be carcinogens. So, if consuming antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables increases your odds for disease prevention, why wouldn’t you add them to your diet?
Many doctors and nutritionists advocate the use of antioxidants to promote your overall health, so slice up a star fruit and grab a glass of cranberry juice if you want to raise the odds in favor of your long-term health.

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